Friday, January 15, 2010

The Atmosphere of Empowerment

Empower (v) – to give someone the authority or power to do something; to enable someone to do; to make someone stronger and more confident.

The Atmosphere of Empowerment: Giving people the opportunity and means to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Key Idea: If you want the people you disciple to experience God the most then you must direct them to a place where they can impact the world.

The relationship has gone all the way from just meeting Him through getting know Him, watching Him, listening to Him, Seeing Him multiply the fish and bread, watching Him walking on water, realizing that He is the Son of God, seeing Him transformed on the mountain, Hearing the Father speak to Him, being told by Jesus He would be betrayed, watching Him in the garden cry out to the Father, experiencing the cross, the miracle of the resurrection, to NOW GO CHANGE THE WORLD.

He had poured everything into them and they now had deeply INTERNALIZED His message. . .now it was time for Him to leave and for the disciples to MULTIPLY.

From Matthew 9 &10 Keys to Empowerment

For 5 chapters Jesus was giving them the TOOLS to be ready. They had followed him, listened to him, watched him, asked him. . . .He equipped them with all they needed. Here Jesus is taking a step in preparing them for the ultimate empowerment that happens when He ascends into Heaven.

Here are 6 key components in empowering people to live for the sake of the gospel.

1. Vision – 9:37-38
(helping them see present reality and a preferred future)
2. Permission – 10:1
(You have been watching, now I want you to go and do)
3. Boundaries – 10:5-6
(Work within these parameters; parameters give the freedom for power)
4. Information - 10:7-15
(Here is everything you need to know to succeed)
5. Honesty - 10:16-25
(I know it is not going to be easy but you can make it through)
6. God-ward focus – 10:26-31
(Remember this is about God and He values you)

As disciplers we need to remember that in the big picture it is about Jesus and His Kingdom and not ourselves. If we do not empower people we are selling them short of the possibilities of God in their life.

I pray that we would all be intentional in relationally walking with people, humbly making disciples of Jesus Christ, being a part of His method of changing the world.

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